Presence of Loewert Industries worldwide

Loewert Industries is an international group and now has employees in 4 continents. Its success is very closely linked to how Loewert Industries extends across the world to best meet needs. Enjoying local presence and an offer adapted to national markets, the Group has a strong presence in new economies which are also lead markets.

More than just a strategy, the international presence of Loewert Industries reflects a philosophy: understanding how to integrate respecting local specificities.

Activity chain

From the manufacture of the product to its delivery to the shop, the Group is present at every stage of the activity chain.


A global presence that offers optimal proximity and responsiveness.


A network of efficient factories in the service of Loewert Industries quality.

Logistics centres

Exceptional efficiency that directly benefits Loewert Industries partners.

Country contact details

Contact us and we will redirect your enquiry to the contact person of your geographic region.